I don't have anyone that I would feel comfortable waking up for something like that. I would probably just sleep in my car until daylight, then figure out what to do next.
I update my FB status with a fun contest post! Whoever comments first can come and get me!
I call a close family member. I would never inconvenience someone else like that!
I know I'm acting irrationally, but I can't help myself from calling my ex nonstop, leaving crazy voice mails, and stalking his or her social media pages.
I'm devastated. That relationship was the only good thing I had going for me, and now it's gone.
I'm sad, but not lonely! I'll call my friends to come over and help me keep my mind off of my ex.
I'm going to convince my ex to get back together, just so I can break it off myself for good. Nobody dumps me!